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FNB Security Center

At FNB, your privacy and the security of your information have always been our top priorities. We have processes, systems and expert teams in place to monitor and protect your accounts from fraud.

Important Advisory:

Throughout the industry, criminals are posing as banks to attempt to trick consumers and businesses into sending funds or sharing credentials or other secure information. Remember — FNB will never request card or account numbers, user IDs, passwords or other confidential data via email, text or phone. If you receive a communication that you believe may be fraudulent, do not respond.
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Protecting Your Information

Person Sitting in Front of Laptop
Unfortunately, threats to your account security and personal information are increasingly part of everyday life. Today, more than ever, you need to know how to protect yourself against internet and email hazards like phishing, spyware, viruses, spam and more. Below, you will find useful information and education on ways you can take control to safeguard your identity, money, privacy and property.

Protecting Your Personal Accounts

At FNB, we take the security of your accounts and information seriously. That's why we offer a number of solutions to help you protect your accounts.

  1. CardGuard™

    Card Guard

    Easily block your FNB Visa Debit Card using CardGuard™ through Online or Mobile Banking if at any time you believe your card information may have been compromised.

    Learn More >

  2. Secure Mobile Payments

    Secure Online Payments

    Apple Pay®, Samsung Pay® and Google Pay™ are secure digital payment options. Your card information is never shared, so you are protected even if your phone is lost or a merchant's systems are compromised.

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  3. Biometric Security

    Mobile  fingerprint icon

    For security and convenience, FNB supports biometric login capabilities when using Mobile Banking. With FNB Direct Mobile Banking and a supported device, you can ensure only you can access your accounts. We support facial recognition and fingerprint login.

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Protecting Your Business Accounts

The security of your business accounts and information is of paramount importance. We also offer a number of solutions to help you protect your business accounts.

  1. Positive Pay

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    By comparing your check issue information with data captured during check processing, FNB can help detect potential check fraud. We help to ensure that the checks being paid are actually the checks your business issued.

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  2. ACH Debit Filter

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    If your business leverages the convenience of paying recurring bills through ACH transactions, you can help protect yourself with ACH Debit Filter to screen incoming ACH transactions.

    Learn More >

  3. Cyber Liability Insurance

    Cyber Liability Insurance is designed to protect your business from a data breach in which confidential information is exposed or stolen by someone with unauthorized access to your computer or network infrastructure.

    Learn More >

Security Topics

A woman reading something on her phone while smiling.

Unfortunately, some people may see/use times of turmoil as an opportunity to take advantage of others. If you need assistance with your finances, including during a natural disaster or emergency, please contact us at the number on the back of your card, on your billing statement or on written correspondence from us.

Please know that we will not contact you via phone or text messaging to request sensitive personal information such as your social security number, account number or debit card number.

Video Resources

Scammers use different techniques to get victims to fall for their scams. The American Bankers Association (ABA) provides videos designed to raise awareness of the top scams. Visit the ABA siteRedirect icon to watch and learn how to identify and protect yourself from fraud. You'll learn about common scams and precautions you can take to protect your account and personal information.
Notices & Disclosures
Redirect icon - For your convenience, First National Bank (FNB) provides links to third party service providers. By clicking this link you agree to leave FNB’s website and will be routed to a third party site outside the control of FNB. FNB does not provide, and is not responsible for, the products, services, or overall website content available at a third-party site. FNB does not endorse or guarantee the product, information or service on any third party’s website. FNB’s privacy policy does not apply to the linked website; we encourage you to read and evaluate the privacy and security policies of the site you are entering.

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