Over the repayment term you’ll pay off the original loan, known as principal, as well as the interest, which is a percentage of the principal, every month. Use an online calculator to gauge the potential costs of a loan based on the interest rate and length of the loan. Running the numbers can serve as a reality check on what’s within your budget, and how the payments change with different term lengths and interest rates.
Check your credit score
Also keep in mind that your credit score is an important factor in determining the interest rate you receive. Generally speaking, a lower credit score results in a higher interest rate. Ideally, you should know your credit score before beginning the financing process to make sure you receive the best interest rate you can qualify for.
Understand the total costs
Auto loans can be a fixed rate, which means the payment is the same for the life of the loan. Your interest rate and the length of your loan impact the affordability of your monthly payments, your interest rate and your term length.
When financing a used car, be sure to understand the entire cost and duration of the loan and the loan process in addition to evaluating the vehicle’s value and maintenance costs.