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Significant Assets Require Significant Protection:

When significant assets are at risk and claims would exceed the underlying liability policy, speak to the experts at First National Insurance Agency about Umbrella Insurance. This policy provides excess limits and drops down to pick up where the underlying policy leaves off.

Extra Protection:

When the cost of potential losses are greater than the limits of your underlying insurance policy, you needs the protection of Umbrella Insurance. It's extra liability protection when you need coverage that goes beyond your base policy and when claims could be in excess of the other liability limits.

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Proactive Risk Management:

In addition to tailoring a policy that's best suited to your unique business, First National Insurance Agency will share with you the benefits of its proprietary program, MyRiskManager™. The MyRiskManager process is a proactive insurance and risk management system designed to help clients stabilize costs and improve profitability. Through effective blending of people and technology, FNIA provides risk management as an outsourced function - eliminating the costs associated with a dedicated, internal function.

Key Features:

  • Higher limits for catastrophic losses
  • Picks up where underlying policy leaves off
  • Receive comprehensive risk management advice
  • Transfers legal liability to insurance carrier

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Notices & Disclosures

Insurance products are sold by First National Insurance Agency, LLC and its licensed agents. Insurance products are: 

Not FDIC Insured No Bank Guarantee May Lose Value
Not Insured by Any Federal Government Agency Not a Bank Deposit


Subject to investment risks, including loss of principal amount invested. First National Insurance Agency is a subsidiary of F.N.B. Corporation.

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